Meet Lindsey


Hello! I'm Lindsey, Not only am I the artist behind PaintingsNstuff I am also a mother to two crazy boys! I first became interested in pursuing art as a profession out of necessity with my mom life schedule but it quickly became one of my deepest passions. When I am not painting or parenting some of my favorite activities include hiking, kayaking, reading and eating snacks!



“Thank you for this beautiful watercolor of my family!!! It came at just the right time and is the most lovely Mother’s Day surprise!!!”

— Lori A.

“So fresh and bright. 😍”

— Emarie M.

“These look perfect in our new apartment…these came at the perfect time just when I needed some cheering up!”

— Kristi M.

“Check her stuff out!!! I have been trying to find a way to honor my angel babies and saw this painting and just knew this was the perfect way.”

— Jenna H.